Hi its me again the one that constantly talks and hangs out inside your head, call me conscience, call me alter ego, call me whatever you like. I’m in New Zealand now, relocated from Sydney, Australia to Auckland, NZ in April 2017. Kids and I have settled well into the swing of things with myself having been previously employed and then leaving to finish off my studies that I started in 2014.

It’s not easy at the moment nor it is hard, I’m a full time student juggling single – wait I mean solo motherhood (as my new partner does not like me using the word “single” anymore because according to him I am his other half and he is mine therefore I should be using a plural term) anyways lets not get too technical because I don’t want to get to the point where I don’t make any sense let alone end up not knowing what I’m talking about.

I have had to start again with my blogs, only because I felt like I was pretty much talking sh*t before and it was more like me venting out and putting it in a nice, pretty text so my readers would know that I’m not too cray cray which in fact I can be, but only sometimes lol

This blog is pretty much for my own purposes where I can write unfiltered pieces about my life and experiences. So if its not your cup of tea feel free to move along otherwise feel free to message me about anything, I would love to hear from you. Peace and love xo

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